Thursday, October 27, 2011

Recipe: Curried Chicken Burgers

I realize I have not posted in a long time. Thats what a PhD will do to you. To start things up again, here is a recipe that highlights a regular night in the Anstey household - curried chicken burgers served with mango chutney on a homemade bun. I served this with a salad for a side to keep things healthy! Enjoy!


Burgers (makes 2 burgers)
3 chicken breasts
1/8 cup whole wheat bread crumbs
1 Tsp curry powder
1 clove garlic
1/2 green chili chopped very finely
1 Tbsp flour

Other supplies
2 hamburger buns (as an alternative, try naan bread!)
mango chutney
light sour cream

  1. Attach the meat grinder to your stand mixer. Cut up the chicken breasts into 1 inch cubes. Pass chicken first through the large grinder then through the fine grinder. 
  2. Add bread crumbs, garlic, chili, and curry and mix. If the mixture is sticky, as it was for me, add about 1-2 Tbsp of flour 
  3. Shape into burgers by hand. Lesson of the day: If your meat is sticky, shaping the mixture into burgers can be a frustrating activity. Wet your hands with tap water before handling the mixture and it wont stick to you making it much, much easier to make burgers!
  4. BBQ up those burgers! 
  5. If using naan bread instead of hamburger buns, sprinkle naan bread with a bit of water and place on a baking sheet. Place in the oven at 400 degrees F, for about 3-5 minutes or until warmed (not toasted)
  6. Build your burger - put the patty on the hamburger bun or naan bread and top with mango chutney, a dollop of sour cream and cilantro to your liking
  7. Enjoy!
Recipe in Photos

Grinding the chicken

Formed burgers

A delicious meal! Yes the burger is there some where. What can I say, I am a fan of cilantro

Lessons Learned:
  • I must confess, we didn't have sour cream in the fridge. Although I recommend sour cream for the recipe there is an alternative: A small dollop of plain yogurt. It tastes nearly the same so on a burger you really cant tell the difference. Just double check your yogurt isn't vanilla :)
  • Curious about the potatoes? Cut potatoes into wedges, wrap in tin foil with some butter and a sprinkle of curry powder. Place the tin foil package on the BBQ while you cook the burgers! 

    I gave this recipe a three whisk rating as an average score. On one hand the recipe deserves a two-whisk rating: you could purchase ground chicken from the grocery store and the recipe would be just as easy if not easier than using your stand mixer to grind the meat yourself. On the other hand, the recipe deserves a four whisk rating because without your own stand mixer and grinder attachment, you would not have the same ability to grind your own meat and control what's included in the mixture. We prefer to grind our own than purchase the grocery store ground for that reason. 

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