Saturday, August 20, 2011

Thoughts on Habits

My most recent post, Recipe: Peanut Butter Cookies, brought up some interesting points about habits. Or as my Dad likes to call, idiosyncrasies or "an individualizing quality or characteristic of a person or group, and is often used to express eccentricity or peculiarity" (Wikipedia, 2011). 

Being my mother's daughter, I have noticed a lot of idiosyncrasies of my own that stem from her:

- I don't drink milk unless it is on the rocks (2 regular sized ice cubes that is)
- I eat cookie dough while baking
- I must go to bed with a glass of water nearly every night
- I like to snack on samplings from the freezer. Just before putting some french fries in the oven, enjoying  a frozen fry or two just seems natural
- I crack my knees each morning as I wake up 
- I like to sit down in the shower 
- I require a dose of peanut butter almost daily

Disclaimer: maybe not all of these stem from my mom. Some may be 'individualizing', 'peculiar'  and completely 'eccentric' qualities of me alone

Aren't these things, whatever your own personal list may include, the things that make up who we are as individuals? It is these details, that make us so deeply ourselves. Without these peculiarities, we are not truly ourselves. I love the way my habits reflect my parentage as well as my individualism. I love how my individualism can spur contentment and happiness within myself. I may be one of the limited few who can take away pure bliss from drinking up a tall glass of iced milk, but thats what is so great about it. 

Till next time, 



  1. Love this post Lauren! So true that we really do gain so many "funny habits" from our parents. Jetty is constantly laughing at mine. Since you are a peanut butter lover, have you ever tried mixing it with molasses? That used to be one of our fun family treats to eat by scooping it with pita bread. YUM! =)

  2. Thanks for the comment Mel. I will give your peanut butter and molasses thing a try!!
