Friday, December 21, 2012

Last Minute Xmas Appi's: Mini Quiches

With some leftover homemade pastry hanging around, I was able to throw these mini quiches together quickly.


About a quarter batch of my pastry recipe
4 slices of cooked bacon, cut in half lengthwise then cut into small pieces
Shredded Tex Mex or Cheddar cheese
4-5 large eggs
a splash of milk 

Roll out pastry to quite thin. With a circular cookie cutter, cut round pieces of pastry. Tuck into a mini muffin tin allowing the pastry to pucker, but pushing pastry gently to the sides of the cup. 

Drop bacon pieces in the bottom, using up about 2 slices of bacon per 12 quiches made. Top bacon with cheese. Beat eggs, milk, and pepper together. Pour egg mixture into filled cups. 

Bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit until egg is just hard to the touch, the pastry is just starting to brown and pastry is firm enough to slide around the muffin tin. 

Let cool in tray for about 10 minutes, then transfer to a cooling rack. Let cool completely. Package quiches up in a air tight container and freeze. 

Re-heat in the oven allowing the pastry to brown a little more and the egg to warm to an enjoyable temperature. 

This recipe receives a mixer rating of 3 whips - to make the pastry by hand would be a pain! Much easier to do with the stand mixer. 

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